How do you accept imperfection? Explore the Arts and Express Yourself!
ABOUT: As part of our mission to make every child’s potential a reality, Martin Middle School PTA is proud to sponsor the National PTA Reflections Arts Contest. The contest begins at the school level. Winning art will move up to County level competition, then on to State, and Nationals.
REFLECT: The 2024–2025 Reflections Contest theme is Accepting Imperfection. Students are invited to reflect on this theme and create a work of art in one or more of the available categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and/or Visual Arts.
CREATE: Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the current year’s theme may be submitted. Each entry must be the original work of one student only. An adult may not alter the creative integrity of a student’s work and help from an adult or collaboration with other students is not allowed. Students are allowed to enter in multiple categories and to submit more than one piece of art in a single category, however each piece must be submitted separately accompanied by a unique artist’s statement (see below).
WRITE: Each piece must be accompanied by an artist’s statement. The artist statement (between 10-100 words) communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. The artist statement is worth 40 out of 100 points and is just as important as the artistic merit of the entry.
SUBMIT: all entries must be submitted electronically through our google form.
For Entry form visit:
​Martin Middle School Student Reflections Entry Form 24-25 (google.com)
For Official Category Specific Rules visit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IEw3OUJ7gy6-Mp8RDGBInaoQIEgcJvqK?usp=sharing
QUESTIONS: If you are interested in participating, or need more information or assistance, please send an email to: reflections@martinpta.com.
To view last year's winners, click here!